
How to teach Dough Disco

By Spread the Happiness

Dough Disco is a fine muscle exercise invented by Shonette to aid children's mark making and writing. With daily Dough Disco the child's brain learns to control the fingers. It has no age limit because fine muscles need exercise just like gross muscles.
How to Dough Disco covers everything from why it's used, where and how. Shonette explains the history, progression, planning and how to keep going with it throughout the academic year.

The training course includes companion videos relating to the Dough Disco moves, including a bonus move!

(Subscribers only)
Accreditation #1000741

Key Details

  • Great for ages 3-8
  • Helps to develop children’s fine and gross motor dexterity.
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Course Content

Introduction to Dough Disco

Lesson 1 Dough Disco

Dough Disco Video 2

Dough Disco Video 3

Lesson 4 Dough Disco

Lesson 5 Dough Disco

Lesson 6 Dough Disco

Dough Disco Basic Moves

Dough Disco Intermediate Moves

Dough Disco Finger Rhymes

Book 1 - Move 1 Squeezing

Book 1 - Move 2 Ball It

Book 1 - Move 3 Pancake

Book 1 - Move 4 Dance Floor

Book 1 Move 5 The Sausage

Book 1 Move 6 The Dive

Book 1 Move 7 Dance Off

Book 1 Move 8 Piano

Book 1 - Move 9 Pizza

Book 1 Move 10 Donut

Dough Disco Around the World Moves 1 - 3

Dough Disco Around the World Moves 4 - 6

Dough Disco Around the World Moves 7 - 10

Dough Disco Accreditation

To become accredited you need to:

  1. Complete all the units for the course.
  1. You need to ask the children to draw a person on a blank piece of paper (completely unaided).
  1. Teach the How to Dough Disco programme at least 4 times a week for 6-8 weeks (You are advised that this should be around 3 minutes each session).
  1. Once the programme has been taught, ask the children to draw a person again (completely unaided).

You will be required to provide evidence of the following:

  1. Select 3 children’s drawings from before the start of the programme (step 2) and once the programme is completed (step 4).
  1. Produce up to 1 minute video of you teaching How to Dough Disco.
  1. Submit sample of drawings and video to shonettesmum@spreadthehappiness.co.uk.
  1. Once assessed you will be sent a personalised certificate and added to the Spread the Happiness FaceBook Community.

Dough Disco Products

You can purchase all our Dough Disco products from our online shop by clicking the link below.

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